No. | Active | Passive |
1. | A scriptwriter develops film scripts | A film script is developed by a scripwriter |
2. | He writes the letter carefully | The letter is written carefully |
3. | Peter is building a house now | A house is being built by Peter now. |
4. | My Mother makes sandwich every morning | |
5. | A young boy is catching a butterfly | A butter fly is being caught by a young boy |
6. | She is reading a book | A book is being read by her |
7. | Our casting director chose the actors | The actors were chosen by our casting director |
8. | Andy is watching a movie | A movie is being watched by andy |
9. | Fachry gave Dira a book | Dira was given a book by fachry |
10. | Riri Riza made Sonata Kampung Bata | Sonata Kampung Bata was made by Riri Riza |
Busy in The Summer
Last summer our house was painted by me. The job took about two weeks. First, the exterior was washed using warm water and a mild detergent. Then all the chinks and pores in the walls were sealed with putty. After the putty had had a chance to dry, the exterior could be painted. A latex paint was used because it is easy to apply and cleans up with water. A whole week was needed to finish this part of the job. I was very careful to apply the paint evenly because I did not want to have to apply two coats. A color was used that was very close to the original color. Our house is a two-story house, which meant that a tall ladder was needed to do the second story. The paint can had to be balanced on the top rung of the ladder while I worked. When the job was finished, a great deal of satisfaction was felt by me. I had to pat myself on the back. Even my dad said that a good job was done.
Bahasa Inggris memiliki dua bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pikiran. Kedua bentuk kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif.
Dalam kalimat aktif subject melakukan pekerjaan, atau melakukan suatu perbuatan. Dengan ciri khas bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan berawalan “me-“. Sedangkan di dalam kalimat pasif , subject dalam kalimat tersebut tidak melakukan pekerjaan/perbuatan, melainkan dikenai pekerjaan/perbuatan. Dengan ciri khas bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut berawalan “di-“.
Kata kerja yang digunakan dalam kalimat pasif bahasa Inggris adalah:
be + Verb 3 (Past Participle) |
"Be” itu sendiri dibuat sesuai dengan tense yang digunakan dalam kalimat itu dan disuikan dengan subject kalimat tersebut.
Kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dengan menjadikan “object” kalimat aktif itu sebagai “Subject” kalimat pasif tersebut. Berdasarkan hal itu jelaslah bahwa hanya kalimat yang memiliki “object” yang dapat diubah menjadi pasif.
Yanto slapped the boy on his face.
Kalimat tersebut dapat diubah menjadi:
The boy was slapped on his face.
Yanto slapped the boy on his face.
Kalimat tersebut dapat diubah menjadi:
The boy was slapped on his face.
Object pelaku kalimat pasif yang dalam bahasa inggris dinyatakan dengan kata “by …” jarang diucapkan, karena kalimat pasif cenderung untuk hanya mengemukakan aktifitas . object pelaku diucapkan/ditilis hanya bila memang diperlukan, sebagai kelengkapan arti kalimat pasif bersangkutan.
Contoh :
The queen invited us to dinner.
Kalimat ini akan menjadi:
We were invited to dinner by the queen.
The queen invited us to dinner.
Kalimat ini akan menjadi:
We were invited to dinner by the queen.
Bila pada sebuah kalimat aktif terdapat dua object , maka subject kalimat pasifnya dapat dipilih dari kedua object tersebut. Namun biasanya dalam bahasa inggris object manusia yang digunakan/dipilih sebagai subject kalimat pasif.
Aktif : I shall give her a new pen.
Pasif : 1. She will be given a new pen.
2. A new pen will be given.
Yang nomor 1 sering digunakan karena mengandung unsur manusia.
1. Simple Present Tense
Aktif : I shall give her a new pen.
Pasif : 1. She will be given a new pen.
2. A new pen will be given.
Yang nomor 1 sering digunakan karena mengandung unsur manusia.
1. Simple Present Tense
Aktif | S + V1 + O |
Pasif | S + is/am/are + V3 + …. |
2. Simple Past Tense
Aktif | S + V2 + O |
Pasif | S + was/were + V3 + …. |
3. Present Continuous Tense
Aktif | S + is/am/are + V-ing + O |
Pasif | S + is/am/are + being + V3 + … |
4. Past Continuous Tense
Aktif | S + was/were + V-ing + O |
Pasif | S + was/were + being + V3 + … |
5. Present Perfect Tense
Aktif | S + has/have + V3 + O |
Pasif | S + has/have + been + V3 + … |
6. Past Perfect Tense
Aktif | S + had + V3 + O |
Pasif | S + had + been + V3 + … |
7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Aktif | S + has/have + been + V-ing + O |
Pasif | S + has/have + been + being + V3 + … |
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Aktif | S + had + been + V-ing + O |
Pasif | S + had + been + being + V3 + … |
9. Simple Future Tense
Aktif | S + will/shall +V1 + O |
Pasif | S + will/shall + be + V3 + … |
10. Past Future Tense
Aktif | S + would/should +V1 + O |
Pasif | S + would/should + be + V3 + … |
11. Future Perfect Tense
Aktif | S + will/shall + have + V3 + O |
Pasif | S + will/shall + have + been + V3 + … |
12. Tense dengan modal auxaliry verbs: will, shall, can, must, may, must, etc.
Aktif | S + modal past + V1 + O |
Pasif | S + modal past + be + V3 + … |